Thursday, January 5, 2017

a little background

Let me tell you a story:

I won't go into the gory details of my 2nd son's birth but as the story links to his birth, this is what you need to know: I labored for 18 hours with excruciating back labor pains & the epidural only working on one side of my body, pushed for 3 hours in which baby was stuck as he was sunny side up. After my c-section, the hospital gave me 2 types of antibiotics since baby had expelled meconium on his way out.  Yay new baby. Sweet sweet baby. 3 days in the hospital. Finally we go home. This is when the hour starts.

1 week after coming home from the hospital, I awoke one morning itching and extremely uncomfortable. My husband took the baby from me, paused and

"Omg. What is going on with your stomach?"

me: "huh? what do you mean? It feels itchy and super hot."

I got up, went into the restroom, my mouth dropped open as I stared at myself.

My ENTIRE belly was raised, red and bumpy. The red raised bumps wrapped around to my lower back, buttocks, down my thighs, calves and even onto both my feet.  Both my arms, armpits and back of my neck were also itching like crazy. I didn't know what else to do but start crying.

Little did I know, this was only the beginning.

As the days wore on, the red rash only got worse. A week after they first arrived, my entire body, neck, face and even my toes were red & itchy. I was one big walking hive. I was exhausted from nursing a newborn, having a hard time falling asleep because my entire body itched so badly, and I was hot to the touch, I was miserable.

There were days that I just cried.

I saw the doctor & they confirmed I was having an allergic reaction to one or both of the antibiotics I was given after birth. They prescribed me prednisone in low doses as I was nursing and it provided some relief but I knew I couldn't be on prednisone for long.


I went home, popped on the computer & sent a message to my girlfriend Jenn. Jenn had always been big into health & one of the major proponents that she swears on is diffusing & topically using Young Living Essential Oils. I had always had interest but never pulled the trigger, it was never the right time..but with all that i had going on, it was now or never.

She gave me some tips and oil suggestions plus recipes for topical was overwhelming trying to pick which oils so I decided to get the "Everyday Essential Oil" package plus the fact that it came with a free diffuser helped! While I waited for the package to arrive, I pinterested oils that were good for rashes, scars and couldn't wait to start using them.

Can I just tell you, after a week of consistently diffusing, topically rash and my itching subsided. I could actually sleep, my skin wasn't hot to the touch anymore and the bumps gradually faded...and before i knew it...i was normal again. I could wear my tank tops outdoors without feeling like some diseased leper, I wasn't embarrassed that my chest, arms and legs were weirdly bumpy and red.  I felt normal but the scratching had left some areas where I was scabbed and i didn't want scars, so i blended some more oils and applied with a rollerball.

Those areas of scabs will take time to lighten, but the oils are definitely helping me get there sooner.

My husband was a skeptic. He is one of those diehard super against medications, never takes even a Tylenol for headaches type of guy and very skeptical when I first bought the Essential Oils kit.

However, 6 months after we've started to use the oils consistently, it is now apart of our everyday daily life. I have the diffusers on constantly diffusing whatever mood i'm in and I switch to Thieves, Frankincense & Lavender for bedtime. We not only sleep better, but we wake up with less head congestion, nose congestion due to allergies and/or sickness & our kindergartner has gotten less illnesses then before when he first started preschool.  Hubby will actually ask me to diffuse something for him when he's feeling a certain something coming on, whether that's a headache, stomach ache or he has a stuffy nose.

I have roller blends for headaches, muscle soreness, stiff neck from bedsharing with our baby, and owie blend for my son when he gets those inevitable bumps and bruises from being a rambunctious kid.

I won't sit here and claim that its the answer to every ailment & you'll never get sick again, but believe you me, it has shortened any sicknesses that we have had, helped with our congestion and general well being.

If you're interested in following me on my oily journey, bookmark me! If you're interested in learning more about how oils can help you & your family, feel free to message me or use my link below to sign up today to become an oily member where you get wholesale pricing for all oils, where you earn reward points to go towards oils and stock up on the savings. You can also just be a retail member!

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